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Vaginal Boils: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention Tips


Vaginal Boils: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention Tips

Any type of discomfort “down there” is never pleasant, which makes the appearance of vaginal boils truly unwelcome. A vaginal boil, also known as a vulvar boil, is a pus-filled, inflammatory bump that forms beneath the skin of the vaginal area. These boils appear outside the vagina, in the pubic area, or on the labia. Although commonly referred to as vaginal boils, they may also be called vulvar abscesses or boils, as the vulva refers to the visible genitalia, which includes the vagina.

While some vaginal boils heal on their own, others may require medical attention to eliminate them and prevent infection. Treatment can help relieve discomfort and stop the infection from spreading until the boil is gone. Continue reading to learn more about vaginal boils, including their causes and how to treat them.

What Is A Vaginal Boil? A vaginal boil is a pus-filled bump that can occur anywhere in the vulvar area, including the pubic region, labia, and exterior of the vagina. It occurs when a hair follicle in that area becomes infected. The boil may start as a small red bump and grow into a swollen, painful boil with a white or yellow pus-filled tip over a few days. However, in some cases, the boil can appear as small as a pimple.

Most of these boils go away on their own in a few days or weeks. However, if you notice a spot around your vagina (vulva) and are unsure if it is a boil or something else, consult your doctor or gynecologist right away. They will check for certain signs and symptoms to determine if it is a vaginal boil.

Signs And Symptoms Of Vaginal Boils The most common symptoms associated with vaginal boils include:

  • Swollen, red lump that goes deep into the skin.
  • Itching or irritation.
  • Painful to touch.
  • White or yellow pus-filled bumps.
  • May ooze clear fluid or develop a crust.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.

It is extremely important to understand what is causing your vaginal boils to treat them the right way. The most common causes are listed in the next section.

Causes Of Vaginal Boils From wearing tight clothes to STDs to insect bites, a wide range of factors can cause vaginal boils. Let’s learn more about them.

  1. Folliculitis: Folliculitis is a skin disorder caused by bacteria infecting the pubic hair follicles. This infection is most commonly caused by waxing, grooming, and shaving in the pubic area. If left untreated, the bumps become uncomfortable and eventually grow into boils.
  2. Wearing Tight-Fitting Clothes: Wearing tight-fitting clothes in the pubic area is one of the most common causes of vaginal boils. Clothing can produce unwanted friction on the skin, leading to the formation of boils on your private parts. Boils on the vaginal lip can also be caused by poor genital hygiene, such as wearing dirty underwear or not changing your underwear frequently.
  3. Cysts: Bartholin’s cysts can also cause vaginal boils. A Bartholin gland cyst is caused by an infection in the Bartholin glands, which are located beneath the vaginal skin near the opening. These glands secrete a fluid that aids in lubricating the vagina. When these glands become infected, their openings become clogged, causing fluid to accumulate beneath the vaginal skin. This accumulation can result in a tiny bump near the vaginal opening that can turn into a vaginal infection or boil.
  4. Other Common Causes: Apart from the causes listed above, there are certain practices and health conditions that may cause these genital boils. These include:
  • Insect bites and other injuries to the skin.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Genital piercings.
  • Diseases that weaken the immune system, like diabetes.
  • Obesity (which may cause boils between the folds of your skin).
  • Sitting in one spot for a long time.

Most vaginal boils can be managed at home without medical attention. Learn what you need to do for at-home treatment in the next section.

How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Boils

  • Maintain proper hygiene. Use soap and water to clean the vaginal area. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching the affected area to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Apply a warm compress to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. This will increase blood circulation, draw the pus to the surface, and stimulate the boil to drain.
  • Keep the area clean and dry.
  • Use a sitz bath to clean the vaginal area.
  • Wear comfortable and breathable undergarments to prevent rubbing and irritation in the genital area.
  • Do not squeeze, pop, or pick at the boil. This can lead to more pain and spread the infection.
  • If the boil bursts, apply antibiotic ointment to avoid infection.
  • When the boil starts to drain, clean it and cover it with a loose bandage.
  • If necessary, take an over-the-counter painkiller to relieve discomfort.

A blogger describes her experience with what she suspects to be a Bartholin cyst. Initially, the small bump caused discomfort but was not painful. While she researched various treatments, she opted for a combination of sitz baths and tea tree oil as a home remedy. She writes on her blog, “After each sitz bath, I pressed a cotton pad with 5 drops of pure tea tree oil onto the cyst for about 30 minutes.” After the fifth day, she sums up her experience: “I didn’t feel any pain. I immediately checked on the cyst, and guess what? The abscess had drained itself onto the cotton pad.”

If these home remedies for vaginal boils do not alleviate your symptoms, see a gynecologist for a more aggressive treatment plan. In these circumstances, it is critical to identify the source of the boil in the pubic area and treat it appropriately.

How To Diagnose Vaginal Boils Your healthcare practitioner will diagnose a vaginal boil in your pubic area after a physical assessment. This should be painless and take only a few minutes. A boil will usually go away on its own without the need for medical attention. However, you may need to get the boil drained by a physician, or they may prescribe an antibiotic if the infection is severe or causes a lot of pain.

Are you wondering if vaginal boils are contagious? Scroll down to the next section to find out.

Are Vaginal Boils Contagious? Vaginal boils are not contagious. They are typically caused by localized infections or blocked hair follicles and are not transmitted through contact or intimate interactions. While they can be uncomfortable and painful, they do not spread from person to person. Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential to minimize their occurrence. Also, it is important to discuss any concerns about vaginal boils with a healthcare professional who can provide appropriate guidance and recommend the right treatment options.

That said, more important than treating the boils is preventing them in the first place. Check out the pointers listed in the next section that will undoubtedly assist you in preventing this condition.

Prevention Tips

  • Wash your genital area with an antibacterial soap to avoid bacteria from building up and causing infection.
  • Change your undergarments frequently and maintain healthy vaginal hygiene. Try to wear natural fiber underwear made of fabrics like silk or cotton.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly, especially before and after touching your genitals.
  • Exfoliate your pubic area gently before shaving to clear any clogged hair follicles and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. Exfoliation will also prevent your razor from getting clogged with dead skin cells, which usually renders shaving ineffective. You can exfoliate the area using a gentle scrub or a loofah.
  • Use gentle products to avoid disturbing your vulva’s normal pH. Highly fragrant cleansers, douches, creams, baby wipes, powders, and topical ointments should be avoided as they can irritate the vaginal tissues.
  • If you shave your pubic area, replace your razor blades every 3-4 weeks. Using a dull razor can lead to ingrown hairs and vaginal boils.
  • If your doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat your infection, be sure to complete the entire course of treatment to avoid subsequent infection.
  • Do not share your razor or use someone else’s razor. Keep your razor clean and dry at all times. Personal items such as underwear and towels should not be shared either.
  • If you are overweight, losing weight may be beneficial as bacteria can thrive in skin folds and creases.

It is natural to be concerned when you notice a spot or boil in your vaginal area. If you are unsure about a strange growth on your vaginal wall, seeing a gynecologist may help you figure out what’s going on. After all, the key to getting the right treatment for vaginal boils is proper diagnosis.

When To See A Doctor Vaginal boils may take one to two weeks to heal. The majority of cases are self-resolving. However, if you detect certain signs and symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. These include:

  • Fever, chills, or swollen lymph nodes.
  • Extreme pain and discomfort in the affected area.
  • A rapidly growing boil.
  • A boil that does not go away on its own in 1-2 weeks.
  • A recurring boil or multiple boils.
  • A bump that is larger than two inches.
  • The boil does not seem any better after several days of at-home treatment.

In such circumstances, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and, if necessary, lance and drain the boil safely to aid in the removal of the infection.

Infographic: Healthy Hygiene Practices To Get Rid Of Vaginal Boils Maintaining proper hygiene is the best way to relieve vaginal boils. Along with ointments and other medications, it is necessary to practice healthy cleaning habits. But what sort of hygiene habits should you follow? We answer the same in the infographic below. Take a look.

The Final Takeaway You must be aware that the vulva is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Therefore, you should avoid experimenting with treatments for boils on your vaginal lip. Proper hygiene is the simplest way to avoid boils. Consult a gynecologist if the boils do not improve with home treatment.

FAQs Q. Is a vaginal boil dangerous? A. In most cases, a vaginal boil is not dangerous. Most of them resolve on their own and do not require medical attention. However, they are highly contagious and can cause pain and discomfort. See a gynecologist immediately if you have boils that are spreading or causing extreme pain.

Q. Can I pop a vaginal boil? A. No, do not pop or squeeze a vaginal boil. This can lead to increased pain and infection. The boil will usually drain on its own.

Q. Do I need antibiotics for a vaginal boil? A. In most cases, a vaginal boil will heal on its own without antibiotics. However, if you develop a secondary infection or the pain becomes unbearable, your doctor may recommend antibiotics.



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