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How to Get Rid of Sunburn Peeling on the Skin


How to Get Rid of Sunburn Peeling on the Skin

Sunburn is one of the most common causes of peeling skin. As the weather warms up, it may be tempting to lay out in the sun. But if you don't use sunscreen or sunblock, your skin reacts to the sun’s UV rays and burns, leading to sunburn peeling. Sunburn is caused by a variety of factors, including the length of time spent in the sun, the time of day, the intensity of UV radiation, your skin type, and the use of any topical or internal treatment. Sunburn not only causes skin peeling and irritation but also increases the risk of skin cancer. So, what can be done to prevent it? Is there any way to get rid of it? We have answered everything in this article. Keep reading!

What Is Sunburn Skin Peeling?

When your skin is overexposed to harmful UV rays, it damages the skin cells in the epidermis. The immune system in your body tries to protect you from harm, which leads to the damaged skin peeling off.

How Long Does It Take for Your Skin to Peel After Sunburn?

Fortunately, sunburn skin peeling is a type of short-term skin damage. Your skin can start peeling anywhere from three days to a week following a sunburn. In general, the peeling stops after the skin has fully recovered. The entire process could take up to two weeks.

James Stewart, an Evangelical blogger, shares his story of experiencing severe skin peeling from sunburn: “I not only had the world’s hottest and worst sunburn ever, but I also experienced the world’s longest period of skin peeling that anyone has ever gone through after being sunburned. I was literally peeling for months after that.”

Once the damage has been done, there is no way to completely prevent peeling. You can, however, aid in the maintenance and healing of the healthy skin underneath. How? Let’s have a look at the next section to find out!

How to Get Rid of Sunburn Peeling Skin

1.      Cold Compress, Cold Showers, and Cool Baths Using a cold compress or taking a cool shower/bath will not guarantee that the peeling will subside. However, if your sunburn is especially hot, inflamed, and unpleasant, the cool temperatures may provide temporary relief. You can make a cold compress at home by filling a thick cloth bag with ice cubes or wrapping ice cubes in a washcloth. Never apply ice directly to sunburned skin because the extreme cold may cause further harm to the skin, worsening peeling and delaying the healing process.

2.      Aloe Vera Gel Aloe vera gel applied topically calms and hydrates sunburned skin while also reducing inflammation. These combined properties help to speed up the healing process of sunburn and shorten the skin peeling time. Apply the gel directly to your skin from aloe vera leaves or use a natural over-the-counter (OTC) aloe vera gel product. Avoid any store-bought aloe vera gel that contains chemical preservatives as it might aggravate irritation.

3.      Oatmeal Bath Colloidal oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it can relieve the dryness and irritation caused by sunburn. It also aids the skin’s ability to retain moisture, which helps in the process of healing. Colloidal oatmeal is not the same as breakfast oatmeal. Nevertheless, whole oats can be used to make colloidal oatmeal. Put some uncooked whole oats in a food processor or blender and grind them to a fine powder. Pour 2-3 cups of this powder into a lukewarm or cool bath and soak in it for 10-15 minutes.

4.      Wear Loose-Fitting Clothes Sunburn and tight clothing make for an uncomfortable combination. Instead, wear loose, soft clothing to let your skin breathe and reduce the possibility of friction and further irritation.

5.      Don’t Peel One of the worst things you can do after a sunburn is peel off the excess skin. You risk causing an infection and exposing skin cells that are not ready to be exposed, which may result in scarring.

6.      Take OTC Anti-Inflammatory Medication Taking aspirin or ibuprofen, which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can help calm the skin and reduce some of the pain and swelling associated with sunburn. You can also apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to the affected areas. You can also crush a few aspirin or ibuprofen tablets and mix them with water to make a paste that you can gently apply to the affected area. Avoid petroleum or oil-based lotions and moisturizers until your skin stops peeling completely.

7.      Stay Hydrated It’s time to start working from the inside out to cure peeling skin, in addition to external treatments. To be honest, nothing is more beneficial to your skin than a big glass of water. Adequate hydration is essential for healthy skin. Water becomes even more necessary when your skin is damaged, such as after a sunburn.

8.      Other Home Remedies There are other home remedies that can help with sunburn peeling. Here are some additional tips to consider:

    • Cucumber Slices: Place cool cucumber slices on the sunburned areas to help soothe and hydrate the skin.
    • Honey: Apply honey to the affected areas to benefit from its natural antibacterial and moisturizing properties.
    • Yogurt: Apply plain yogurt to the sunburned skin for its cooling and anti-inflammatory effects.

How to Prevent Sunburn Peeling?

  • Apply sunscreen that contains SPF 30 or more every two hours.
  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible.
  • Keep as much skin covered as possible with long-sleeved clothes, hats, and light scarves.
  • Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat when stepping out.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Avoid tanning beds at all costs.

Matthew W. Turcotte, a pop culture blogger, talks about using sunscreen of at least SPF 50 for recovering from terrible sunburns, in one of his blog posts. “Believe me, I know all about blistering sunburns. I acquired quite a few of them in my early childhood that were skin-peeling awfulness. After you experience a couple of them, you definitely don’t want to experience another one. And, I also have learned that applying it only once a day is not exactly the way you want to go unless you’re going to be outside for 30 minutes or an hour. Myself? I usually reapply sunscreen during breaks and my lunch hour,” he says.

A 2018 online survey study was done on 3,106 participants to determine the contexts of sunburns in American adults. 50.7% of participants reported being outdoors for 1-3 hours, and 38.9% were outdoors for 3-6 hours. The most commonly stated context was swimming at 32.5%, while outdoor work was at 26.2% and vacationing was at 20.7%. Only 5.5% intended to get a tan. A total of 79.6% reported having used sun protection.

Sometimes, the skin peeling can get bad enough to require medical attention. Find out when you should consult a doctor in the next section.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Sunburn peeling is rarely a cause for concern and does not usually necessitate medical attention. However, you should get medical help if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Swelling.
  • Fluid oozing from the affected area.
  • Blisters that become inflamed or turn yellow.
  • Fever, nausea, or chills.

You can also consult a dermatologist to learn about the best sunburn treatment options for your skin type and skin issues.

What Are the Stages of Sunburn Healing?

  1. Initial Redness: The first stage involves tenderness and inflammation of the affected skin that is often accompanied by warmth and pain. It can occur within a few hours after sun exposure.
  2. Peeling and Blistering: Sunburn may also progress to blistering in some cases. These blisters can be filled with fluid and cause the affected skin to peel.
  3. Healing and Repair: The body begins to repair the damaged skin with time. The skin starts to regenerate. New, healthier skin cells replace the damaged ones.
  4. Itchiness and Flaking: After the initial healing, the sunburned area might become itchy as the damaged skin continues to flake off.

While the skin does return to its normal state with time, it still may remain sensitive to sunlight for a while.

Infographic: 7 Ways to Get Relief from Sunburn Skin Peeling

After getting sunburned, your sun-damaged skin may start peeling off, giving way to new skin. It’s important not to pick at the peeling skin and let it naturally shed. Avoid applying ice, pulling, or exfoliating your skin as this only causes more harm. Use the simple methods listed in the infographic below to relieve any discomfort and provide soothing benefits.

The Bottom Line

Skin peeling is a natural part of the healing process after sunburn. Simple home remedies – such as aloe vera and cold compress – can help reduce inflammation, itching, and redness, speed up healing, and reduce the degree and duration of peeling. Sunburn peeling seldom requires medical treatment. But if you develop symptoms such as nausea, fever, or serious blistering, or if you notice signs of infection, consult a doctor immediately.

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